Sei Città

In the podcast "Sei Città" the musician, composer, writer and theatrical performer Valerio Millefoglie guides listeners to discover 6 urban suburbs of Italy, always described as places of degradation and hardship, with the aim of challenging these stereotypes and promote a more inclusive and positive vision, bringing out the resources and planning energies linked to the young generations and the activity of the associations operating in the area as part of the Present4Future project.

Mani in Alto

Six stories of the biggest robberies and most famous criminal heists.

In the podcast "Mani in Alto" the crime writer Paolo Roversi, crime writer and screenwriter, reconstructs the stories of the biggest robberies and the most famous (and richest) criminal heists that have ever occurred, breaking this taboo and recognizing, in fact, that genius is it can also manifest itself through spectacular criminal coups.

The Real Genius and Flashes of Genius with Massimo Temporelli

In The Real Genius, Massimo Temporelli tells the stories of 6 far-sighted and visionary personalities who have been able to combine creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial flair, to develop and spread their own ideas and projects, each in their own field.

The Flashes of Genius are extracts of pure genius that have changed our relationship with money.

Les Diaboliques by Chiara Tagliaferri

Angela Giussani is famous for being the creator of the comic Diabolik and for inventing, among others, the charismatic character of Eva Kant. The relationship with his sister Luciana was fundamental in his life, with whom he created an artistic and entrepreneurial partnership which allowed comics to become famous throughout the world.

ConTanti Saluti with Enrico Bertolino and Emanuela Rinaldi

ConTanti Saluti is a podcast that will help you, in simple words, to untangle doubts and uncertainties about money and finance, topics that can intimidate and frighten, but this concern is often the best ally for learning how to manage expenses and investments.

Fabulous Economy by Luciano Canova

And they all lived informed and happy: through stories that belong to the collective imagination of all of us, we will reveal some simple economic mechanisms that influence our lives.

Cooking and Finance with Giorgio Locatelli

Thanks to the participation of the starred Chef Giorgio Locatelli and the banking expert Barbara Alemanni, each episode will offer a taste of Wealth Management with a reference to the culinary world.

Unique Stories - The Podcast

The Podcast created on the occasion of "A Pari Merito Week", a special week in which BPER Banca spoke and addressed issues of Diversity and Inclusion, internally and externally to the company.

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